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Measurement of compressors

Zapytaj o szczegóły
imie nazwisko
Jan Kowalski
Konsultant techniczny
+48 605 125 125

Compressor measurement (air output/energy input) during which we check the flow of compressors, their power and efficiency over time to answer the question of how effective is the production of compressed air (compressors audit).

The examination method of compressed air production process

We do the measurements using an AirLeader MK analyzer during factory work time, for example 1 week. The system consists of from 1 to 4 independent equipment (boxes) which record compressor operation based on synchronized real-time clocks. Each device can measure for example 5 compressors (power or current), 1 pressure, 1 flow, and 1 dew point (8 inputs for Amper meters or Watt meters).

analiza wycieków

Inside the MK box is a PC unit with the same software as in the AirLeader controller. Thanks to this, the measurements can be taken even over several months. Putting the results on a single timeline allows for detailed reporting and analysis of the production and the consumption of compressed air.

It also allows for preparing several scenarios of compressors work simulation.  Then we can simulate size of tanks and combinations of compressors power, quantity, methods of compressor flow control and different types or brands of compressor connected to AirLeader controller. Beside the energy savings resulting from the elimination of idle run, the controller also provides reduction of the amount of unnecessary motor starts, which shortens the life of each electric motor, particularly those with power >37 kW.


pomiary powietrza
Current status in the factory
pomiary powietrza
Simulation of compessors using AirLeader MK analyzer

The software allows you to process the results, generate reports and simulate the most profitable configuration of compressors that could supply the air consumption system.

The measurement report includes
  • the amount of produced air and the variability of this production in time,
  • power consumed by the compressor and indicators kWh/m3 i ?/m3,
  • measurement of the pressure and its variation in time,
  • analyze of the efficiency of work offload and onload in time,
  • the number of motor starts and load cycles of compressors,
  • simulation of the most profitable combination of the compressors work.

All measured values are presented on a single, common timeline.

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